*[Occupied] Naver Green Factory by songsl
"They are quick. The action of getting out the piece of fabric from their bags, unfolding it,
hold it highly and proudly in the air, take a photo and get it down in their bag again is very fast. And they are all called cap’n. "
- Eloquence Magazine JAN.2012
"Ahopsi a.k.a Kanghee Rhee in Korea is slowly taking over the world with a pirate flag revolution."
- Grand international NOV.2011
"Kanghee makes pirate flags, which has led to this project where he collects pictures of the flag from around the world. Apparently it's harder than you think finding pirate flags, so he's gotten pretty far out there.
- http://www.daehanmindecline.com/
Q. What is ”Make your own Flag” ?
...The flag started to spread on twitter, facebook and blogs, and more and more people started asking me about the flag. So I ordered 20 more.
And 20 more people bought it. After those 20 flag were sent, an unexpected phenomena started. People started travel with the flag and occupy places.
It just took 5 days before the flag went to Jeju-island....
...15,000원 짜리 깃발을 든 해적들이 중국, 일본, 홍콩, 인도네시아를 넘어 스웨덴, 호주, 나우루 공화국(Oh my god) 스웨덴을 장악하는데에는 불과 두달밖에 걸리지 않았다.
그리고 지금은 브라질과 미국 미시간을 향하고 있다. ..... NOV.2011
added _ MAR.2012 [Occupied] 몽고, 베를린/독일, 캘리포니아/미국, 부에노스아이레스/아르헨티나
*interview : with AWEH.tv (Feb/2012)
*article on Hejorams : http://www.hejorama.com/articles/pirate-flag-international-9511/
*Check PirateFlag international map :
map. map. maps
*Check Real Activity Here : http://thepirateflag.tumblr.com/