/ Ther's a lot' goin' on' thanks.

/ Media
세부.웨이브미 인어호핑 영상 - - Cebu.Mermaid hopping tour
웨이브미 2013년도 하반기 연간 보고영상 Annual Report : To We or Not To We
GooGoo Dolls - Iris
He is Joseph KIm | music : 'Comedy' by Joseph Kim | poem : Don mee choi | video : kanghee Rhee _
/ Media
Left - Beyond Cebu : Aloguinsan 2013 , Adventure & video : Kanghee, Rhee |, Coordinator : Hyunsung, Kim | Phicopass
Right - Under the CEBU : Helmet Diving 2013 , video : Kanghee, Rhee |, Coordinator : Hyunsung, Kim | Phicopass
/ Media
Left - Beyond Cebu : Oslob whaleshak watching 2013 , Swim and video : Kanghee, Rhee |, Whaleshark casting : Hyunsung, Kim | Phicopass
Right - Beyond Hoping : CEBU wild hoping 2013 , video : Kanghee, Rhee | fro Phicopas
/ photo, video shooting
shooting : whaleshark in oslob, hidden beach in Aloguinsan in philippines JUN, 2013
/ PM work
just finished one of my project as Project Manager -China, Shandong Provincial Tourism korean official website.
check out : 你好!山东省观光旅游局韩语网站开了!
/ Shooting Star
/ Shandong, China
visit Jinan and Qingdao city, Shandong - China | JAN, 2013
/ Photoshoot
find my picture on -Printed * A.F.M 2012 A.F.M Fall and Winter collection . and buy clothes w/Adam Brennan ,
/ Lapu-Lapu city

visit Lapu-Lapu city, Philippines DEC, 2012
/ Media

find my part of interview on 스웨덴 일간지 SVD에 저의 한류관련 인터뷰 기사가 실렸습니다.
"Popkultur på löpande band
Alla dansar ”Gangnam style”. Och i Sverige sitter låtskrivare och plitar hits till koreanska topplistan. Jenny Damberg och Sara Mac Key reste till k-popens hemstad Seoul i jakt på nästa steg för den extremt konceptuella genren. .. .. . Allt för att artisterna ska fungera som oförstörda projektionsytor för publikens fantasier. Det framstår som att delta i en dokusåpa år efter år. Kanghee Grändås-Rhee, korean men gift med Ida Grändås-Rhee, en svensk kompositör och sångerska bosatt i Seoul, arbetade tidigare som officiell fotograf för pojkgruppen Super Junior. Efter ett år fick han nog. Det fanns inget utrymme för ett eget liv vid sidan av jobbet, berättar han. .. "
*view full article here : (Swedish Daily newspaper/2 november 2012 kl 13:51 , uppdaterad: 2 november 2012 kl 14:32)
/ interview

I’m on YONHAP NEWS with Kim Kyeong-ju, Halim, article by Curtis File. 도하 프로젝트 관련 인터뷰가 연합뉴스에서 나왔습니다. (2012/09/24 09:00 KST)
(Yonhap Feature) Artists seek new boroughs in an unforgiving city The use of abandoned spaces for art has become a trend in the city. In 2007, an abandoned makgeolli brewery was taken over by the Space Beam community in Incheon. Mullae-dong is now seeing its factories occupied by galleries and live music venues as its workers leave before redevelopment begins. Kanghee Grandas-Rhee, a 33-year-old artist and writer, throws parties under places like the Sogang bridge, bringing artists of all nationalities and walks of life together for just an evening, or weekend, of art and creativity. “The people here don’t see artists as productive,” says Grandas-Rhee. “Artists are the philosophical leaders of their communities. We may have a small voice, but we have a strong energy.” Over the last decade, Grandas-Rhee and Halim say they’ve seen Hongdae, a popular artist borough in western Seoul and the place they call home, change rapidly. The once bohemian atmosphere is slowly being replaced by brand-name coffee shops and clothing stores that are commonplace throughout the rest of the city. As this development continues, artists have found in necessary to become increasingly creative at finding places to showcase their work.
*check full article here :
/ Collaboration
view more : elles sont belles
Collaboration with IDA Grändås-Rhee, PIKA, Puerkim under name of 'Elles sont belles'
video by Kanghee Grändås-Rhee(@Ahopsi) w/ @Studio_zemi
check this event :,
/ Video
Paul's Mustache, He is Paul Evans
video : Kanghee Grändås-Rhee music : IDA Grändås-Rhee (* jejudo part two)
/ Video
WOLKENARM moln från vietnam till syd korea | CLOUDLESS sky from vietnam to south korea
video : Kanghee Grändås-Rhee, music : IDA Grändås-Rhee (* 'march 19' from 'The sleeping experiment')
/ Video
'How to dance like buddha' video release.
Art direct : Nileshm video : Kanghee Grändås-Rhee view more : here
/ Get a way

visit Qingdao international beer festival with RPLAY
/ video
Where did you sleep last night _ vietnam
w/IDA's june 11 from The sleeping experiment
/ video
/ Video
INTERFERENCE | public performance by Jane Rhyu (Korea) and Boris Oicherman (Israel)
Boris Oicherman (Changdong Art Studio of the National Museum of Contemporary Art), Jane Rhyu and The Dong of Chang present to you INTERFERENCE.
/ Film
IDA Grändås-Rhee | | believe in the lines not existing
Music : IDA Grändås-Rhee (from 'The Sleeping Experiment ' january 30)
Video : Kanghee Grändås-Rhee / Location : World DJ Festival 2012
/ Media

”Make your own flag” Project featured on 프랑스 기반의 여행소셜미디어
헤이오라마에 소개된 Make your own Flag 프로젝트. by 아홉시
check full article here :
/ Photoshoot
WorldDJfestival w/JinbyJIn and AFM Photoshoot, check more story and picture set here
/ Status
Leaving Travelro/트래블로. Goodbye and thank you.
We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun Travelro
/ Media
Find me on YEONHAP(연합뉴스) Feature as Urban explorer.
full article here -
/ Performance
Performance 'FLOW' 1+1=11 /day 1 : MAY 5, 2012 10:30-23:00
Music : IDA Grändås-Rhee (from 'The Sleeping Experiment ' december 20) / Video : Kanghee Grändås-Rhee
/ Media
find my name on Korea Herald News. Published on 15.APR.2012
check full article : Korea Herald 'Seoul snappers set for Scandinavia'
'The idea for the competition was sparked when Travelro website producer Rhee Kang-hee'
/ Show
IDA Grändås-Rhee on Bonastage / 이다 그랜도스-리 보나스테이지
/ Interview
interview with as Pirate
check full article : KANGHEE GRANDAS_RHEE
/ News
To whom It may concern, I got a Recommendation paper från The Royal Norwegian
embassador. Guranteed by 주한 노르웨이 대사관
/ Media
I’m on Norwegian Newspaper with weird quirky Rabbit hat.
on Sogn og Fjordane fylkeskommune
check full article : Bratt vintermoro frå Sogn til Sør-Korea
*Pirate flag international ocupation status map*click to enlarge
/ News
I'm on Norwegian Embassy main page. 노르웨이 대사관 메인페이지.
check article : Destination: Norway. Departure: Samgakji Station
/ Prize
I won @loopcam x Hejorama GIF contest
See results :
/ Video
Makeyourown flag Project Collaborated w/ by songsl
Attention : Make your own flag project ONgoing
*Visit my Blog for previous history and upcoming work